PARITY addresses the “structural inertia” of DGs by delivering a transactive flexibility framework that will increase durability and effAciency of the electrical grid, while simultaneously enabling the adoption of more RES through enhanced real- time control of DER Flexibility combined with novel Active Network Management functionalities.
PARITY addresses the “structural inertia” of DGs by delivering a transactive flexibility framework that will increase durability and effAciency of the electrical grid, while simultaneously enabling the adoption of more RES through enhanced real- time control of DER Flexibility combined with novel Active Network Management functionalities.\A

PARITY will go beyond the traditional “top-down” grid management practices by delivering a unique local flexibility management platform through the seamless integration of IoT and Blockchain technologies. By delivering a smart-contract enabled market platform based on blockchain technology, PARITY will facilitate the efficient deployment of local micro-transactions and reward flexibility in a cost-reflective and symmetric manner, through price signals of higher spatio-temporal granularity based on real-time grid operational conditions. Finally, by deploying advanced IoT technology PARITY will offer distributed intelligence (DER profiling) and self-learning/self-organization capabilities (automated real-time distributed control), orchestrated by cost- reflective flexibility market signals generated by the blockchain LFM platform. Within PARITY, DER will form dynamic clusters that essentially comprise self-organized networks of active DER nodes, engaging in real-time aggregated & P2P energy/flexibility transactions.